+ How Botox works?

Botox, Botulinum toxin type A, is a purified protein derived from the Botulinum Clostridium bacterium. Botox works by regulating the release of Acetylcholine, a chemical neurotransmitter that helps transmit messages between the nerve and muscle cells of the body. By regulating Acetylcholine release, Botox inhibits facial muscles from contracting and, thus, reduces or eliminates wrinkles or expression lines in the skin surrounding an injection site.

+ What are dynamic wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles are facial lines that form by contracting facial muscles in order to create facial expressions. Smile lines, frown lines and crows feet are all examples of dynamic wrinkles.

+ Am I a good candidate for Botox treatment?

Botox is an effective treatment for anyone yearning to prevent or decrease fine lines and dynamic wrinkles.

+ Contraindications for Botox

Botox is contraindicated for anyone that has multiple allergies or has experienced severe allergic anaphylactic reactions. Treatment should also be avoided by anyone hypersensitive to botulinum toxin preparation or allergic to lidocaine or gram positive bacterial proteins. As well as pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.

+ How should I prepare for my appointment?

Preparation for the procedure is minimal. Alcohol and all Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin) should be avoided 24 hours prior to treatment.

It is beneficial to arrive with a clean and make-up free face. However, don’t worry if you cannot arrive fresh-faced, we will cleanse your skin and remove any make-up prior to treatment.

+ How long does the procedure take?

The length of your appointment will vary depending on your desired treatment plan, but we will try to accommodate any time restrictions you may have. Some treatments may take as little as 10 minutes to complete.

Botox appointments are scheduled in 45 minute increments.

+ When will I see results?

Results are visible 7-10 days after treatment, with full-results evident 2 weeks after injections.

+ How many injections will I receive?

The number of injections will depend on your desired treatment plan.

+ What does an injection feel like?

Some clients have described it as a tiny pinch-like sensation, while others feel very little during injection. If you are worried about feeling any discomfort, a topical anaesthetic can be applied to the injection area prior to treatment.

+ How long is the recovery time?

There is no recovery time and normal activities can be resumed immediately following injection. There is a chance of redness, inflammation and bruising from receiving injections.

+ Will I be able to wear make-up following the procedure?

Yes, you can definitely apply make-up and resume all normal activities following the procedure. However, massages or any face down procedure should be avoided same day as treatment.


+ What are dermal fillers?

Most natural dermal fillers consist of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a carbohydrate molecule that is naturally found in the skin and all body cells. Unfortunately, time and lifestyle factors (i.e., UVA/B radiation from the Sun, smoking, pollution) can adversely affect our skin. As we age, adipose tissue (the fat tissue that helps give our skin its plump, youthful appearance), hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin production decrease. Therefore, leading to loss of moisture and overall firmness of the skin. Dermal filler injections of hyaluronic acid can help to restore skin to its plump, youthful fullness by increasing its overall water content.

Dermal fillers are quite effective at restoring the natural contours of the face, enhancing the lips and treating static wrinkles.

+ What are static wrinkles?

Static Wrinkles are fine lines and wrinkles that remain present despite facial muscle contraction and relaxation. Static wrinkles are due to a loss of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Volume loss can be quickly remedied with HA filler injections.

+ How should I prepare for my appointment?

Avoid any alcohol 24-48 hours before and after treatment

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as Advil, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, and Aleve should be avoided 24-48 hours prior to treatment.

If you are taking any anti-coagulant medication (blood-thinners) you should speak to your doctor about temporarily stopping medications a few days prior to injections.

Eat fresh pineapple the day before and after your treatment. Pineapple contains Bromelain, which reduces inflammation. If you do not like pineapple, you can take Bromelain tablets- these are found at the health food store, you can start taking as soon as possible.

Begin taking Arnica pills 24-48 hours before treatment. These can also be found at the health food stores. Arnica are all natural dissolvable tabs to reduce the risk of bruising.

Your skin prior to treatment should be clean and make-up free, but don’t worry if you cannot arrive fresh-faced, we will cleanse your skin and remove any make-up prior to treatment.

+ When will I see results?

Results are approximately 85% visible immediately following the procedure. You will notice both an immediate reduction in static wrinkles/volume loss and an overall youthful restoration in the treated area. Full results will be visible 2 weeks following treatment.

+ What does the treatment feel like?

There is minimal discomfort during the procedure. A small injection with a fine needle and/or cannula are used to inject HA filler into the treatment area. Lidocaine, a topical anesthetic, may also be used to minimize any discomfort during injection.

+ How long is the recovery time?

The recovery time is minimal. There is a risk to experience some redness, swelling and possible bruising following the injections. It is recommended that you schedule your treatment a minimum of 2 weeks before an event.

+ How long does dermal filler last?

Depending on the product and area to be injected, some dermal fillers have been proven to last for 1 to 2 years. In general 6-12 months is common.

+ Will I be able to wear make-up following the procedure?

Yes, you can definitely apply make-up and resume all normal activities following the procedure. If swelling occurs, applying ice or a cold compress and taking an anti-histamine may be required.


+ How Radiofrequency Micro-needling Works:

RF microneedling is effective because it stimulates the fibroblasts of the dermis to produce more collagen and elastin over time. In essence, 49 insulated microneedles passes through the epidermis and, using RF heat energy, creates a tiny, controlled injury site in the dermis. This controlled injury, in turn, causes the fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin in order to repair the dermal tissue. The additional collagen and elastin produced in the repair process leads to the skin becoming increasingly firm and supple over time while healing.

+ How should I prepare for my appointment?

Minimal preparation is needed for the INFINI procedure. It is preferable to have removed all of your make-up and wash your face before arriving at the clinic. If not, we will clean and prepare your face prior to the procedure.

It is best to avoid alcohol and any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin) 24 hours prior to treatment as both may contribute to bruising following the procedure.

+ How long is my appointment?

A typical appointment is about 2-2.5 hours in length.

+ Is the INFINI procedure painful?

Although pain sensitivity depends on the individual, most patients do find the procedure somewhat uncomfortable. An approximate rating of 4/10 on the pain scale is a common response. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area prior to the procedure.

+ What is the recovery process?

Although full results won’t be visible for weeks following the procedure, actual healing time is minimal. One can expect some redness and swelling for about 24 – 48 hours following the procedure.

Keeping your skin as clean as possible, for as long as possible is ideal. You cannot put anything on the treated area for a minimum of 24 hours.

+ Contraindications

Please inform the clinic if you are currently taking or have taken any blood-thinning medication as it may increase bleeding or bruising during and following the procedure. Individuals experiencing chronic skin conditions may be contraindicated depending on the condition and severity of the skin condition. Alcohol should also be avoided prior to treatment. Individuals with a Pace maker cannot be treated with the INFINI.

+ Where are you located?

We are located at 1412 Pelham Street in Fonthill, Ontario, LOS 1EO.